So the great reduction is in full swing. 2012 promises to be a year of changes, mostly in the eating and weight department.
A group of friends and I have embarked on a weight loss adventure. Each of us is working to lose 100 lbs by the end of 2012. In order to accomplish this, I have had to drastically alter my food intake. Butter is a stranger to me now. My carbs, for the most part, come in the form of vegetables. I haven't eaten fast food since the beginning of the year (HUGE for me). Alcohol is a thing of the past.
With this change comes new recipes. I haven't come up with any of note beyond some tilapia loins that make my mouth sing and some fabulous oven roasted Brussels sprouts. Here's the almost no-brainer cooking method for this fabulosity:
Costco Tilapia loins, frozen
olive oil
Heat sautee pan and add olive oil when hot. Add frozen loins (be ready because they will likely spatter) and cook for a few minutes on each side. Add seasoning of your choice ( I like Johnny's Salad Elegance). Add up to 1/4 cup of water and put lid on pan. Steam until done. Voila! Tasty, tasty, tasty!
Oven roasted Brussels sprouts
Amount of sprouts that you want to eat, halved
olive oil
Preheat oven to 450. Add sprouts to bowl and toss with olive oil, salt and pepper. Spread on cookie sheet and roast until done. I like to cook mine until they are browned on one side. On occasion I like to toss with Parmesan when they're done.
Hopefully I'll be able to post something a little more inspired/yummy in the future. Here's to a new year!